Saturday, August 31, 2019

An Ethical Dilemma Essay

There exists a strong link between the way and pace of life in a society and eating habits of the individuals. No matter how diverse and sophisticated the cuisine of a certain culture might be, today’s hyper moving tempo necessitates cheaper and faster food. That is where the fast food sector steps in, saving the day. At first glance, they appear to be life savers with their affordable menus. However, when we take a closer look and observe the long-term effects of fast food on individuals, we are faced with health problems such as obesity and heart diseases. Nevertheless, fast food firms also do a very good job in marketing their products to carefully targeted audiences, especially children. This paper will focus on the case of McDonald’s and argue how ethical it is for them to advertise for children directly, examining the issue from the perspective of social responsibility. The spread of McDonald’s in other parts of the world creates mixed feelings in some countries, and people even claim that the McDonald’s and the distorted image of Americanization is harmful for their culture and societies. This opinion is especially valid in Europe, but surprisingly McDonald’s is welcome in Asia. What is a common reaction in all countries hosting McDonald’s, including its homeland America, is the attitude taken towards the effects of McDonald’s on eating habits and the following negative consequences. There are plenty of fast food advertisements in North America and this industry has especially become a part of the life of families with children. Starting from very little ages, children are used to eating this good-tasting, well-marketed and fun menus which usually come along with a toy for free; and their tastes and eating habits are influenced. Even though fast food companies have started to offer â€Å"light† menus and food with less fat and calories, they do not offer the best menus for children. They continue the habit of eating fast food as they go into adolescence and adulthood, and become another candidate for an obese person with various diseases resulting from being overweight. â€Å"Overweight children do tend to become obese adults, putting themselves at a much greater risk, and at a much earlier age, for chronic illnesses such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease† (Dalton, 2004, p. 2). One out of three children in the United States is either overweight or at serious risk of becoming so. The number of overweight children ages six to nineteen has tripled within three decades; the rate of overweight preschool children is nearly as great. The accelerating rate indicates that the current generation of children will grow into the most obese generation of adults in history. (Dalton, 2004, p. 2) Although parents are aware that food sold at McDonald’s is not very healthy, they are misled by the fact that it is affordable and makes their children happy. What is more, some parents do not have very healthy eating habits either; so one should not be surprised in seeing their children liking McDonald’s menus. Moreover, it is not easy to resist the tempting advertisements. â€Å"Some might say that no one is forcing parents to buy these products or foods for their children. But, these ads position the products as ‘must haves’. Even if their parents do not buy them the products, children are influenced† (How to Prevent Childhood Obesity. com, 2009). â€Å"Experts name Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald’s franchise and Walt Disney as the pioneers of child-focused marketing, since they first recognized children as a separate marketing demographic from adults in the 1960’s† (Veracity, D. , 2008). Today, we cannot help but wonder how the managers of McDonald’s feel about the harsh criticisms that the company gets for advertising and promoting unhealthy food for children. From a business point of view, the company has done a great job since it was founded by Ray Kroc in 1955, generated enormous profits and even became a better known brand than Coca-Cola (Veracity, D. , 2008). Competition in the fast food sector is harsh, so McDonald’s heavily invests in high quality advertisements aimed at targeting the right audience, using celebrities and partnerships with other brands, or cartoon characters in their campaigns if possible. They build playgrounds in their stores, which serve as a socializing place for children to meet other kids and have fun. McDonald’s not only influences American children and families, but also exports its food, image and advertisements to the rest of the world. They have opened branches in almost all parts of the world, and keep expanding despite the economic recession. They are â€Å"optimistic about business prospects in China and plan to open about 500 stores in the country in three years† (Yan, F. & Li, H. , 2009). This gives an important hint about the tastes and habits of the growing generation of children and it is not difficult to foresee that the global influence of McDonald’s will intensify in the coming years, despite all criticisms that it is unethical to promote unhealthy food to children. How ethical is the advertising strategy of McDonald’s really? Are the managers of McDonald’s actually guilty, or is everyone being too harsh and oversensitive? Even though it is normal for a company to hold its own rights and benefits before everything, if it is as influential and global as McDonald’s, it also has some moral and ethical responsibilities and should consider the social consequences of its actions as well as making profits and opening new stores. One of the most important causes of childhood obesity is lack of exercise, so it might not be totally fair to blame McDonald’s and other fast food chains for obese children. On the one hand, the McDonald’s culture heavily contributes in a bad way to developing irregular eating habits. But on the other hand, they cannot be the only ones to blame, as children and their parents are increasingly becoming computer and TV addicts, engaging in very little physical activity. When coupled with fast food consumption, health problems become inescapable. What is the solution to this moral problem then? It is obvious that a company this successful will not quit this business or abandon its strategy. However, McDon can at least modify its advertising approach slightly and recommend doing exercises as the underlying message after having a good McDonald’s meal. They can include famous sportsmen in their advertisements and encourage children to engage in sports. They can give out toys associated with sports brands, even organize sports competitions for children with awards, sponsored by major brands like Nike or Adidas. These are just a few suggestions, and there is no doubt that professionals designing McDonald’s marketing strategy can work wonders with this idea if they want to. This way, children can learn to associate the consumption of fast food with exercise in their minds and be convinced that they must be physically active in order to burn those calories taken at McDonald’ and be healthy. In conclusion, if McDonald’s and other fast food chains would alter their advertisement campaigns so as to include the theme of more exercise and sports, they would have been more socially responsible. This way, even though they do not sell the most healthy meals, their customers, especially children would know that they have to pay a price for eating a high calorie and high fat meal by doing more exercise. They would also associate fast food meals with the energy and dynamism of sports, which also makes individuals happy. Therefore, this can be a very good formula for McDonald’s to keep its happy customers all over the world and appease an angry crowd of protesters who argue that McDonald’s advertisements are unethical. References Dalton, S. (2004). Our Overweight Children: What Parents, Schools, and Communities Can Do to Control the Fatness Epidemic. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. Should there be Ethical Issues with Fast Food Companies Advertising to Children?How to Prevent Childhood Obesity. com. Retrieved March 25, 2009, from http://www. howtopreventchildhoodobesity. com/ethicalissues- fastfoodadvertisements. html Veracity, D. (2008, July 13). America’s Fast Food Giants Perfect the Art of Selling Junk Food to Children. Organic Consumers Association. Retrieved March 25, 2009, from http://www. organicconsumers. org/articles/article_1092. cfm Yan, F. & Li, H. (2009, February 18). McDonald’s eye 500 stores in China in 3 years. Reuters. Retrieved March 25, 2009, from http://www. reuters. com/article/ousiv/idUSTRE51H13F20090218

Friday, August 30, 2019

Natural child birth VS. Medicated child birth Essay

Abstract: Natural childbirth and medicated birth are the two options practiced all around the world by the gynecologists, these days. However there are some issues related to both the birth process. In this paper we will discuss the pros and cons of both the natural child birth and the medicated child birth. Introduction Natural childbirth: it is a natural process with minimum medical intervention, specifically the use of pain relives medications and surgical interventions (Vernon, D (2005) Medicated child birth: in this type of birth, doctor make use of pain killers and other instruments like episiotomies, forceps and ventouse deliveries and caesarean sections during the delivery process. Every woman during her delivery undergoes pain which is a normal physiological reaction. In a normal birth, pain makes the women to react against the pain by tensing and fighting it. Majority of women around the world prefers natural child births however in some cases the mother prefers to be medicated thus reliving pain. Birth pain is sudden and intense. However, with every contraction the pain gradually fades away resulting in birth of a child. (Sakala, C. , M. Corry, and H. Goer. (2004) So for a mother there are both the options available either to select natural birth or a medicated child birth. Natural child birth is a natural process and there is now side effect except the mother undergoes sever pain. However in case of medicated child birth is artificial process therefore it does have some side effects despite it’s practiced very frequently all around the world Here are some of the pros and cons of both natural and the medicated child birth: Benefits of Natural Childbirth Natural child birth is completely without any medication. Remember that medicine is a medicine and, and even the most secure medicines also have some side effects Mothers that go through natural child birth is able to move freely throughout labor and after as the new researches reveals that medicated birth makes it difficult to move during and after the birth. ( Anderson, G. , et al. (2000) In natural childbirth women feel their body’s reflex, there how they can respond better by pushing faster, as the medication does affect the reflexes thus prolonging the pushing time. (World Health Organization Department of Reproductive Health and Research. (1999) Unmediated birth is natural process and the pain during the birth is also natural that guides the mother to seek specific positions that might help the child to move easily to get into right position of delivery. In majority of cases Mothers has fast recovery after a natural childbirth since they can move freely and easily. Generally they eat immediately and their appetite is normal. In natural child birth Endorphins is secreted within placenta and umbilical cord of the mother. That secretion helps the baby to deliver easily and get adjusted to new environment comfortably. (Lieberman, E. and C. O’Donoghue (2002) Naturally delivered babies are better responsive and show more interest in pre-breastfeeding behaviors such as sucking and massaging the mother’s breasts, as well as the proper length of time they spend nursing during the first one and a half hour. Natural birth also increases the possibility of a healthier and fast recovery because of better hormonal balance. (Righard, L. and M. Alade. (1990). This is because a woman who has given birth with minimal intercession does not need to recover from major abdominal surgery, instrumental delivery, and cut of the perineum, any damage from IV lines, or severe stomach pain, headache backache caused by the use of medication. Natural childbirth increases the natural delivery physiology and laboring progress of healthy, well- feed women and increases interventions in the normal course of natural childbirth. Benefits of Medicated Birth Medicated Birth has a lot of benefits and is been adapted by the mothers all over the world. Some of the benefits are as follows: Women that experience a very long labor pain can benefit from using pain medication to get some relief prior to pushing stage. (Simkin, P. (1992) if the woman is finding the pain unbearable, it will definitely affect the delivery process, pain medication would definitely act as an aiding factor so that her body might not fight against the labor. (E. Jones, Pregnancy, Contraception, and Family Planning Services in Industrialized Countries (1989) similarly if the woman is experiencing some sort of fear, medication would help her by reliving her from severe pain and anxiety. However on the other hand it does have side effects depending upon person to person. Sometimes it is found that Medication has caused the baby sleepy as the anesthesia can penetrate through the placenta. (Ransjo-Arvidson A. B. , Matthiesen. (2001) Moreover pain guides the mother to adjust her position through which the child can adjust within if the child is posterior. However in case of medication the mother can not feel the pain to adjust herself thus may case certain complications in some cases. (Uvnas-Moberg, K. (1998) Conclusion Mothers have the ability to give birth naturally. Despite the women faces the pain but the pain goes away gradually. It is a fast process and has no side effects. The baby is normal and responsive. Pain medication is a great resource in very difficult and prolonged labors when the mother loses her patience to deliver the baby. In such cases epidural is very much effective. Anaesthetics may increase the likelihood of complications ( Knapp, L. (1996) We can find variety of pain killers out there in the market. If the right medicine is used I can help the delivery. Most pain killers do not take pain completely away. It makes pain bearable for the mother thus can concentrate on the birth. However in medicated birth mother always need continuous assistance all through the process.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis One of the few advantages Japed has over its competitors is that they are t he most welkin hot dog stand in Vancouver. As they were awarded â€Å"Best of Vance feed' 3 years consecutively. Shops located at the YVES airport, Robinson Street, and Richmond d has proven to be very successful towards the company. These locations provide easy ace usability for potential consumers. The airport provides people from all over the world to g Arab a quick bite before their next flight. What better thing to grab than a cultural fusion hot do g a customer has never tried before?The convenience of Japed makes it easier for busy pep el, and hence why the restaurant location is on Robinson . While providing convenience for cue stokers, Japed also brings a unique taste to the market. This unique taste can be thou ought of as an advantage over other hot dog vendors/ restaurants. This differential advantage in culture can attract many consumers roaming around the area. The North Am erican culture e for comfort food usually consists of hamburgers, fries, and most importantly for Japed; hot dogs.This is one of the main reasons why Japed was able to gain its popularity; an teeth nice, distinct, flavors fusion of one of the most loved snacks in North America. The difference between Japed and other hot dog stands are the unique vary ties that they offer. Such as Spading signature hot dog topped with Tertiary sauce e, mayo and seaweed, these are the kinds of ingredients that makes their products unique . The price range of Japed starts from $5 for a simple hot dog $12 for a full meal inch duding its specialty hot dog, fries and a drink.Japed faces numerous competitors in d owe Anton Vancouver and many other food trucks, but with the increase of Japanese rest rants in the area, Sapwood's business has grown significantly. Japed has become very pop alular as the people of Vancouver have grown a love for Japanese cuisine. Other food trucks provide cuisines such as Mexic an cuisine are slightly more pricey than Japed. The price varies around $7 $14, despite the price, although the quantity that is given is also fulfilling, we have found the reputation, value and the taste oft he product Japed offers is on par with or surpasses other food stand competitors.Alone g with the product, Japed has the highest number of food stands in Vancouver, thus gig vying them a location advantage and easy accessibility over its competitors. The countless mount of flavors is also a major advantage that Japed possess. Currently with 13 SP Cecilia and 7 traditional hot dogs, as well as a separate category of fries, Spading menu pr vides customers an abundance of choices compared to other competitors. The main competitors of Japed are the other neighboring street vendors a ND obviously, other hot dog stands.Other vendors that have their own cultural TA set such as Mexican, Greek, Chinese or Persian are also a threat towards them. Fast food restaurants such as McDonald's, Church's Chicken and Wendy are also great threats to Jaw padded. The rice range for a burger in McDonald's is around 5 dollars and the meal is ABA UT 8 dollars and this is one of the reason why Japed is making less profit comparing to chain deed fast food restaurants. Fasted chains such as McDonald's and Wend's have been established for a longer time. They are very welkin to society and that's the greatest competitive a advantage they have.Established competitors usually take advantage of using television com Americas to advertise their new product or even a special package deal. Since Japed is q tie new compared to bigger fast food chains such as McDonald's, their locations are r stricter to only downtown Vancouver and Richmond Birdhouse strain station. They are no t as exposed as other fast food chains that have been around for a longer time. Spading AC accessibility is strictly towards the people roaming around downtown and Richmond Bright use strain station.Even with the excepti onal taste and popularity of Japed, there will be a few downsides. One of the few is that not all people like hot dogs. This difference I n taste may cause slower sales compared to competitors who do not only have hotdogs, but burgers, wraps, or salads. However, during the Winter Olympics that was held in Vance ever, Japed has experienced their busiest time with nearly 1 00 people lining up at one Tim e for the Japanese style hotdogs everyday, showing how they can provide sales with eve n only the menu selection of hotdogs, fries or drinks.In conclusion, after analyzing Spading competitive advantage we can see that t they are continually a very successful local food vendor comparing to other local of odd vendors, but must take further steps in order to grow internationally. Although there are n onerous factors that they must take carefully into consideration in order to further progress t heir business successfully.

Personal Finance Concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Personal Finance Concepts - Essay Example As the report declares a single liability limit on the other hand would not subdivide the coverage that may be claimed in this manner. It will merely specify a total amount that may be claimed towards all the various categories of damages that may occur, including both bodily damage and property damage. The insured amount can be applied towards any category of expense, however the insurer will not pay for a total amount more than that specified. This paper discusses that the amount of personal liability coverage on my policy is not adequate to protect all assets and future income. This is only a token amount that has been allotted since PIP is no longer considered mandatory in most states. It will cover only a few of the incidental expenses that are liable to arise out of an accident. Also, my car is seven years old, yet collision or property damage coverage is required, although the insurance companies pay for damages according to the book value of the car. The amount of deductible will determine the premium and every time a claim is made, the premium increases, so it is worth considering a higher deductible in order to avoid claims. In the case of an older car, it may be less worthwhile paying higher premiums that are good to protect against damages to a brand new car but not in the case of a car that is over seven years old, as in this case. Uninsured motorists coverage is mandatory in most states that require auto liabil ity insurance, in order to allow for expenses that an auto owner may incur through the fault of an uninsured motorist.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Research Proposal on Employee Motivation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

On Employee Motivation - Research Proposal Example The company also registers direct buying from Harry Winston Diamond Cooperation. Using both of these strategies, the company prides itself with the capacity to offer a continuous supply of diamonds meeting customer expectations in both quality and quantity because it has an unending supply to resources (Doyle, 2005). The company makes efforts of ensuring that artisans working in the factories in different regions are outstanding skills, hence can produce quality jewelry that meets the customer expectations in a modernized world such as the US market. An effective management of the factories ensures that, innovation is adopted as a central strategy of producing jewels that excites the buyers. In a bid to ensure business success, the company utilizes different strategies of gaining familiarity with the preferences of its customers. This is a good strategy because customer opinion is a critical determinant of the desired product. After my posting in the new position in the company, I to ok time to analyze the level of management and leadership styles applied in the organization (Fargus, 2000). One of the outstanding observations made was the fact that there was a remarkably poor communication between the employees as they performed their daily activities. The first week of my assignment involved a close monitoring of the internal operations of the company.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Reality Television - Global Effects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Reality Television - Global Effects - Essay Example Charlie Parsons, the creator of the Survivor series defines it as programs containing created and monitored producer environment that control the participants’ behavior (Benin 2012, p.24). Kerrie Murphy, a television reviewer claims that the reality shows involves filming the various actions and perceived reactions in a set situation. The situation can be a normal one, or a contrived one as is the case in the huge global hit big brother shows. Bignell defines it as a program where the true behavior of the ordinary people is the key focus of people’s interest. The greatest aspect is the continuous monitoring of the contestants everyday behavior. Reality shows are similar to the soap operas and documentaries. Other reality shows have features common with talk shows while some are talent quests. The main issue that separates reality shows from other genres that become based on real life participants is the focus on their thoughts and reactions to the situation they get sit uated (Benin 2012, p.24). Globally, a number of factors have contributed to the success of these reality shows include: Human curiosity the public is always curious to know the mysteries involved in the reality shows. The producers introduce new tricks and formats to keep the audience glued to the screens. Anything new gets noticed quickly, and this is what attracts the viewers. Entertainment value is another reason. Continuously watching movies cause the mind to be tired and bored. It is here that the reality show takes over. They are full of drama, celebrities, laughter and talent. The shows feature acts that fill the human mind with the formatted programs (Benin 2012, p.24). Aggressive marketing is another factor of the popularity of the reality television. The adverts create the attention of even the uninterested persons. This is what the advertisers want and is what influences us to watching these programs. Also, the belief in reality shows that they are seeing the reality as i t is not different as the normal day routines. Having favorites programs is what makes the reality shows tick even more. Peer influence is another fact that trends in the reality show (Caryn 2003, p.17). Impact of reality television on TV industry and a global audience A number of critics view the reality television as a poison so injurious to TV and the society that it is totally destroying the TV. Globally, the ethics and morals of the reality television is questionable even if they go as far as achieving significant popularity and prominence in the society. This does not mean that they are agreeable to the community and that they should be aired. This show is damaging to the TV networks and society as a whole (Hummer 2004, p.41). Since reality television is a low cost way of telling creative and entertaining stories and attracts large audiences, it has become a headache to the scripted shows in television. They have forced the scripted shows to increase their creativity and try h arder to attract their audiences. Sitcoms had gotten monotonous and repetitive, and there is nothing new on dramas apart from repetitions. Reality television took things a notch higher globally by giving the much needed spark in TV industry. Shows like Lost got created due to the same reason. The directors and producers became forced to cultivate new grounds and try more creative techniques and formats (Beth 2000, p.32). Reality television has been globally detrimental to the TV industry since it takes a lot of programming time leaving the scripted

Monday, August 26, 2019

Colour theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Colour theory - Essay Example RGB colour model is a colour that is based on light. These three colours are the three primary colours with green replacing the colour yellow. When the three colours are combined, then it becomes possible to produce any other colour. This colour model is only used with source of light and does not apply to printing (Albers 2006). CMYK colour model is the colour method that is based on pigments. The initials stand for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black. K stands for black. When the four colours are used, it becomes possible to achieve other colours. CMYK model cannot reproduce the same amount of colour as the RGB colour model. This is the reason why when printed yellow-green at times appears slightly muddy. This is the method employed by printers the world over. It is also an intelligent way or mixing paints (Albers 2006). Colour space is a helpful conceptual tool for comprehending the capabilities of colour of a digital file or device. Thus, when one is trying to make a reproduction of colour on another device, the colour spaces reveal whether one will manage to retain the highlight or shadow detail, the saturation of colour as well as, by how much wither of the two will be compromised. The process of keeping colour consistency in digital photography runs from the minute one takes a photo, uploads it to the computer, converting the same to jpegs and printing it using a variety of output technology. The process of editing an image involves the existing profile of the image. This is what is referred to as a working colour space.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Internal vs. External Validity in Research Coursework

Internal vs. External Validity in Research - Coursework Example There is often a tradeoff between internal and external validity, due to the fact that that the requirements of a high internal validity is the creation of a controlled and artificial setting for the research, which then limits the application of the results to the natural and real-life situations (Mitchell & Jolley, 2001). The attainment of a high internal validity of a research requires that the participants in the research are shielded from the extraneous factors that may change the relationship between the dependent and the independent variables. On the other hand, the extraneous factors are fully operational in the real-life situations, limiting the application of the findings of a research done in a setting where the extraneous factors were blocked. Therefore, there must b a trade-off between the internal validity and the external validity, such that internal validity is only high where external validity is low and vice versa (Isaac & Michael, 1971). 2. Is there a benefit in achieving a high level of one type of validity (internal versus external) over the other? Is there a way to design a study or series of studies to have high internal as well as high external validity? What would be the benefit? There is a benefit of achieving a high level of one type of validity over the other, based on the nature of the research in question. The level of internal validity achieved in the study is low, while the level of external validity attained in the study is high.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Development of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adolescents compared to their Research Paper

Development of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adolescents compared to their Hearing Peers - Research Paper Example This article is basically centered on how the development of such adolescents who are either totally deaf or have other hearing problems is affected adversely compared to the development of their normal age fellows. According to (Peterson, 1993, p. 4), â€Å"normal adolescent development is a positive process bringing adult maturity and competence, in contrast to the existing negative stereotypes.† Many crude and intricate effects produced by hearing loss on many poor adolescents are discussed in this paper, and how their development becomes even more difficult in the diverse classrooms of the present world schools. There are myriad social issues regarding the inclusion of hearing-impaired adolescents at the schools, most importantly. (Berke, 2009). These issues are of such grave and distressing nature that they can even shoot down the motivation and learning enthusiasm in such students who are having hearing problems to zero. That is why, the social issues have looming prospe cts for these adolescents and they are potentially capable of inducing long-lasting mutilating effects on their future potentials. This is an unequivocal fact backed up with research reports that those children who have hearing problems are neither as well integrated socially nor as popular as their normal hearing peers are, due to which they start feeling pressurized and develop myriad psychological problems. The psychological state of children with hearing problems quite resembles to that of young people with low socioeconomic or racial backgrounds who are not welcomed in the society. Seclusion and social hesitation are the two major challenges that mar the development of hearing impaired children. This is because, confidently going out and communicating with normal age fellows or other young people with same helps special children in maintaining social integration. Social inclusion is also affected in culturally diverse classrooms, where deaf or hearing-impaired adolescents may e ven be laughed at by their normal age fellows. It is because the normal children are not familiar with ways to socialize with the children who have special needs, thus their development gets affects badly. There is much disagreement between professionals when talking about whether or not hearing impaired adolescents should be taught alongside their normal peers. Many professionals concerned with such students who suffer from hearing problems have published myriad research papers, which claim that in such classrooms where normal students and those having particular biological problems are taught together, most of the deficiencies are overlooked due to which special students are left dissatisfied. Many scholars claim that children with hearing disabilities do not experience the normal education easily by studying in the mainstream classrooms. They also have to cope with a broad range of social pressures like unjustified ridiculing, bulling, or suppression, which are mostly created by their normal age fellows. That is why, less inclusive provision is sought by many professionals and parents so that the hearing impaired adolescents can be developed behaviorally and psychologically in a welcome and harmonious environment. (Musselman, Mootilal, & MacKay, 1996, pp. 52-63). On the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Riodan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Riodan - Essay Example The purpose of outsourcing this project is to reduce the costs, which may be associated with hiring IT managers within the organization. This project can be termed of immense importance to the company since having a team dealing with IT management can be expensive. Moreover, hiring outsiders is beneficial since they will bring in their outstanding expertise to the organization. As such, the company will tap the knowledge of experts and develop sound IT management systems. The other technology project that the company can outsource includes data storage. This project will relieve the company of the burden of purchasing data storage devices, which should be used to store data in the organization. This project is of significant importance since it gives the organization an opportunity to have its data maintained properly. As a result, the company’s data cannot be damaged or lost since experts know how to store data better than the insiders of the company (Poulin, 2006). c. It leads to the synchronizing of variables and problems like stretched delivery times, inappropriate categorization of responsibilities and sub-standard quality delivery may occur (Obaidat & ICETE,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Problem of Stereotype Essay Example for Free

Problem of Stereotype Essay Stereotypes may lead ineffective communication when we communicate with strangers. Our stereotypes tend to be activated automatically when we categorize strangers and when we are not communicating mindfully (see von Hippel, Sekaquaptewa, Vargas, 1995). We, therefore, unconsciously try to confirm our expectations when we communicate with strangers. Our stereotypes constrain strangers’ patterns of communication and engender stereotype-confirming communication. In other words, stereotypes create self-fulfilling prophecies. We tend to see behavior that confirms our expectations even when it is absent. We ignore disconfirming evidence when communicating on automatic pilot. When we communicate on automatic pilot, we do not cognitively process all the information about others that is available to us (Johnston Macrae, 1994). Generally, the greater our cultural and linguistic knowledge, and the more our beliefs overlap with those of the strangers with whom we communicate, the less the likelihood there will be misunderstandings. To increase our accuracy in making prediction, we must try to understand which social identity is guiding strangers’ behavior in a particular situation. And to be effective in communication with strangers, we must keep our minds open and be mindful. Since stereotypes are a natural product of the communication process, they influence the way we process information. Stereotyping is the result of our tendency to overestimate the degree of association between group membership and psychological attributes. While there may be some association between group membership and psychological characteristics of members, it is much smaller than we assume when we communicate on automatic pilot. When we communicate on automatic pilot, we interpret incoming messages on the basis of the symbolic systems we learned as children. Besides, our processing of information is biased in the direction of maintaining the preexisting belief systems. We remember more favorable information about our ingroups and more unfavorable information about outgroups (Hewstone Giles, 1986). So we tend to process information that is consistent with our stereotypes and our stereotypes

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Promoting Gender Equality Essay Example for Free

Promoting Gender Equality Essay For centuries women were not treated equal to men in many ways. They were not allowed to own property, they did not have a Share in the property of their parents, they had no voting rights, they had no freedom to choose their work or job and so on. Now that we have come out of those dark days of oppression of women there is a need for strong movement to fight for the rights of women and to ensure that they get all the rights which men have or in other words a movement for the Empowerment of Women. The present seminar has been planned with a view to discuss the various issues related to the Empowerment of Women and to suggest measures for achieving this end.The body of research on women‘s empowerment has conceptualized and defined this construct in many ways and used different terms, often interchangeably, including ―autonomy,â€â€"―status,â€â€" and ―agencyâ€â€" (Lee-Rife and Edmeades 2011; Malhotra et al. 2002; Upadhyay and Hindin 2005). see more:examples of gender equality A review of the literature also shows different measures for the same conceptualization. For example, studies often measure women‘s autonomy with an index that assesses their participation in decision-making in various household issues. This index represents women‘s degree of control over their environment. Some researchers include both major and minordecisions, while others include only major decisions, excluding day-to-day household decisions and those that are traditionally within the woman‘s domain. Women‘s empowerment encompasses many dimensions, including economic, socio-cultural, familial/interpersonal, legal, political, and psychological (Malhotra et al. 2002), which contributes to the wide variation in conceptualizations of women‘s empowerment. Given this variation in conceptualization, it is difficult to measure women‘s empowerment consistently. Kabeer (2001), whose definition is widely accepted, defines empowerment as ―the expansi on of people‘s ability to make strategic life choices in a context where this ability was previously denied to them. Two central components of empowerment are agency and resources needed to exercise life choices (Kabeer 2001; Malhotra et al. 2002). Even with a clear definition, these constructs are difficult to quantify in a standardized way.Additionally, to measure empowerment at an individual level, researchers must translate the amorphous constructs into a set of specific questions that population-based surveys can ask of individual respondents (Kishor and Subaiya 2008). Another challenge is the variation in cultural contexts that affect the measurement of women‘s empowerment. It is desirable to use standardized questions that enable cross-cultural comparisons of empowerment. Yet a measure that captures empowerment in one context may have limited relevance in another, as is the case with measures that assess mobility in a community where women‘s free movement is the norm. While many existing measures of empowerment were originally conceptualized and developed for the context of Asia, and for South Asian countries in particular (Dyson and Moore 1983; Mason 1987), measures that are universally applicable regardless of the gender equity environment, such as those used in Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), are most useful for cross-national comparisons. Using the available standardized measures of women‘s empowerment among several population-based samples from sub-Saharan Africa will allow us to make comparisons and better understand whether the available measures adequately capture empowerment in these settings. It is still unknown whether the same dimensions of empowerment that were developed elsewhere are relevant in sub-Saharan Africa, where the gender environment is completely different than in other regions. In Africa, empowerment is likely to look different than elsewhere because of such differences as more working women who have control over their earnings, more polygamy, more nuclear families (as opposed to extended families), and larger ideal family size, and because women‘s status is often tied to their fertility. EMPOWERMENT AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH A broad body of research exists on women‘s empowerment and reproductive outcomes. Substantial research, primarily focused on Asia, demonstrates that women‘s empowerment is associated with contraceptive use (Gwako 1997; Morgan and Niraula 1995; Schuler et al. 1997; Woldemicael 2009), lower fertility (Balk 1994; Dyson and Moore 1983; Hindin 2000), and longer birth intervals (Upadhyay and Hindin 2005). Some researchers have suggested that women‘s empowerment is a key pathway through which education influences fertility (Jejeebhoy 1995; Mason 1987). To operationalize women‘s empowerment, much of the research literature uses the previously mentioned index of participation in house holddecision-making. The standard DHS questionnaire includes a set of questions about household decision-making. Other approaches include assessing women‘s acceptance of reasons that a husband is justified for beating his wife, and also reasons that a wife is justified in refusing sex with her husband (Ethiopian Society of Population Studies 2008). The DHS includes questions about these issues. Such gender-role attitudes measure the extent of women‘s acceptance of norms that justify men‘s control over women. As expected, they are associated with lower levels of power over household decision-making among women (Dhaher et al. 2010; Hindin 2003; Linos et al. 2010). MAJOR OBSTACLES TO THE PROMOTION OF GENDER EQUALITY AND EMPOWERMENT Notwithstanding the widespread commitment shown through the ratification of international and regional gender equality frameworks, normative gains are not yet fully reflected in substantial changes in women’s lives, as shown in the preceding section. Large gaps remain between policy and practice and it is the aim of this section to discuss some of the major challenges that have been experienced. Continued presence of strong cultural and traditional practices constraining progress in achieving gender parity The continued presence of long standing cultural and traditional practices that discriminate against women and girls’ have constrained the progress towards achieving gender equality. Discriminatory practices and public attitudes towards the advancement of women and gender equality have not changed at the same pace as policy, legal and institutional frameworks. Lack of ratification of the instruments that promote gender equality Previous sections have identified the status with respect to a number of regional instruments, particularly the African Women’s Protocol. Some countries are yet to sign this instrument, while a considerable number are yet to ratify it. Ineffective institutional and policy implementation mechanisms Thirteen years after the adoption of the BPFA by the Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995, the greatest challenge facing countries and regional institutions is the effective implementation of the adopted commitments. Good policies that do not have well formulated implementation plans and resources render the policies ineffective. In some countries, the capacity of gender machineries has also contributed to the slow pace. Some policies are not effectively implemented because they were not developed in a participatory way inclusive of both men and women. Lack of targets with well defined time-frames are also some of the factors that have hampered effective implementation of policies. Lack of monitoring and evaluation mechanisms also plays a significant role in the lack of implementation. Moreover, some policies tend to focus on the symptoms rather than addressing the persistent underlying causes of gender inequality. African women, especially those living in rural communities and those with disabilities, still face exclusion from participating in development processes that can empower them and improve gender equality. It is crucial to undertake inclusive participatory approaches in policy development that involve women as equal partners. Lack of adequate resources Lack of human and financial resources severely limits gender mainstreaming to achieve gender equality and women’s empowerment. Even in situations where a comprehensive plan of action for gender mainstreaming has been developed, countries may not have adequate resources to implement the plan. In particular National Gender Machineries (NGMs) experience limited financial and other material resource base to enhance the implementation of gender equality mandates, roles and responsibilities. In addition, there are gaps in human capacity, there is generally a challenge with respect to gender competence skills of officers in the NGMs to influence the engendering of macro-economic and sector policy frameworks. There is high staff turn over of experts, and low staff retention, most countries are facing difficulties of retaining and sustaining staff with the necessary expertise. Continued presence of strong cultural and traditional practices constraining progress in achieving gender parity in education In taking decisions with respect to the education of their children, some families continue to have preference for educating boys rather than girls. As noted female-to-male school enrolment, retention and completion favor boys in a majority of countries. Very few countries have female to male enrolment rates that favor girls over boys and these countries have been making progress to redress the situation. Continued presence of strong cultural and traditional practices constraining progress in achieving gender parity in health Some cultural and traditional practices continue to inhibit progress in the area of sexual and reproductive rights. Women and girls continue to risk death from maternal mortality. There is need to provide accessible sexual and reproductive healthcare services and education to reduce maternal mortality. Such interventions need to address the roles of both men and women. The rate of HIV infection is much higher among women than men and in this regard, governments must establish and monitor strict legal frameworks to address the vulnerability of women and girls. Furthermore, access to anti-retroviral treatment should be ensured. Lack of enforcement of laws that promote gender equality and lack of knowledge of laws In some countries laws that promote gender equality are in place, however lack of enforcement of such laws leads to the perpetuation of gender inequalities and violence against women. In some countries, laws are in place, but interpretation of these laws is lacking and as such, they are not enforced. Lack of full involvement of men and boys Changing cultural and traditional beliefs including patriarchy requires the involvement of men, and boys in the promotion of gender equality through innovative rights-based, culturally sensitive programmes and continued education and sensitization. Continued lack of recognition of women’s unpaid work The continued lack of recognition of unpaid work (domestic, reproductive, care and support) performed by women hampers the development of policies that can effectively promote gender equality. There is therefore need for such work to be given due recognition in the computation of national income. Limited role of the media The media can play a major role in promoting gender equality beyond what it is currently doing. In particular in creating awareness, sensitization and education campaigns to change patriarchal attitudes. As noted before establishing new laws alone is not enough; existing gendered social relations and cultural norms may quickly shape these laws. There is need for measures to counter preexisting social forces through education and training of both men and women. The media can make a major contribution towards promoting these gender equality messages. Lack of sex disaggregated and gender responsive data Sex-disaggregated data and information from gender-sensitive indicators are often not collected, lost in aggregation of published data, or not used. Gender responsive data would help in tracking the progress made towards achievement of gender equality. SUGGESTED RECOMMENDATIONS Translation of commitments and policies promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment into action on the ground remains a major challenge in Africa. Based on the findings of this study, this section highlights some recommendations that can help countries successfully implement the commitments and policies aimed at promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment. Improved research and collection of gender responsive statistical data It is important to systematically collect accurate sex and gender disaggregated data and conduct research that is essential for monitoring and evaluating progress towards achievement of gender equality and women’s empowerment. More efforts are needed to build capacity of national experts to collect gender disaggregated data in order to enhance integration of gender perspectives in the development process. Strengthen documentation and dissemination of information on promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment Sharing of information is important within countries, between countries and internationally and is critical to the success of achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment. There is need to intensify documentation of experiences with successful and unsuccessful practices and widely disseminate this information. It is important for member States, development partners and international and regional bodies to identify information exchange systems that can facilitate wide exchange of this information in the region. CONCLUSION The Empowerment of women has become one of the most important Concerns of 21st century not only at national level but also at the international level. Efforts by the Govt. are on to ensure Gender equality but Government initiatives alone would not be sufficient to achieve this goal. Society must take initiative to create a climate in which there is no gender discrimination and Women have full opportunities of Self decision making and participating in the Social, Political and Economic life of the Country with a sense of equality. As countries around the world work to promote gender equality and empower women as part of achieving the Millennium Development Goals, it can be expected that demand for smaller families will follow. Additionally, family planning programs can address women‘s empowerment as part of their mission to help women and couples have only the number of children they want. Such programs are likely to generate interest in family planning services, create demand for smaller families, and also reduce unwanted fertility. REFRENCES _Abadian, S. 1996. Womens Autonomy and Its Impact on Fertility. World Development 24(12):1793-1809. _Gwako, E.L. 1997. Conjugal Power in Rural Kenya Families: Its Influence on Womens _Decisions about Family Size and Family Planning Practices. Sex Roles 36(3-4):127-147. _Jejeebhoy, S.J. 1995.Womens Education, Autonomy, and Reproductive Behaviour: Experience _from Developing Countries. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press. _Jejeebhoy, S.J. 2000. 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Using Social Media And Youth Marketing

Using Social Media And Youth Marketing Social media is the use of web-based and mobile technologies for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable communication techniques. Social media marketing is a growing industry and Selling brands online can be a tricky task, but done right it can be quite successful. Youth Marketing is a term used in marketing and advertising industry to describe activities to communicate with young people, in the age range of 12 to 34. This youth market can further be classified into Tween Marketing, targeting people in the 8 to 12 year-old range, Teen Marketing, targeting people age 13 to 19, College Marketing, targeting college-age consumers, typically ages 18 to 21, Young Adult Marketing, targeting young professionals, typically ages 22 and above.The youth market is critical because of the demographics buying power as the members in this group have huge influences on the spending of family members. In addition, teens and young adults often set trends that are adopted by other demographic groups. DISCUSSION So in terms of being smart about social media marketing, a brand needs to be smart and ready to be held accountable for its product but its interaction within the social media realm. Social networking and smart phones will play an all-important role in the youth marketing and media trends, as they have become part of the youth lifestyle and culture. The following trends will make it easy to see why they are and will continue to be a dominant force in the youth market: 1.  Ã‚     Social media: More youth have become addicted to social networking and more companies targeting the youth through this means, due to its great viral effect. 2.  Ã‚     Smartphone: Standard phones cannot fully cater to the online and social networking craving of the youth and, as more companies and universities introduce policies that limit the use of social networking sites during the day/working hours, this has led to more youth jumping onto the Smartphone bandwagon as a means of countering these restrictions. And these phones can be used for various kinds of marketing. 3.  Ã‚     Apps : With Apple alone having over 300 000 applications to choose from over one million apps downloaded in one day and with all the new apps for the tablets, we can expect 2011 to be a year of apps. 4.  Ã‚     BBM: BlackBerry Messenger has taken the youth market by storm. The youth love sharing and staying connected and this is what BBM does, enabling them to share through instant messaging (IM). 5.  Ã‚     Mobile commerce: The youth are getting big on cell phone banking and making payments via their cell phones. 6.  Ã‚     Mobile learning: The increase in the number of youth with Smartphone and the increase in the time spent online will lead to more businesses ,institutions and educational heads looking into conveying some of their products and educational material through cell phones 7.  Ã‚     Online advertising: Online advertising, targeting the youth, from both local and international perspectives have increased by leaps and bounds. Consequently, we can expect to see an increase in online advertising spend targeting the youth. 8.  Ã‚     Corporate social websites: There will be a rise in website integration for companies or brands that are targeting the youth market. Previously, websites were all about the company; however, the new shift has seen a change to cater to the dialogue with the youth and encourage them mostly to follow through Twitter feeds and connect through Facebook fan pages. 9.  Ã‚     Blogging: We will see the rise in the number of youth bloggers, who will post opinions about products and brands, and, with this kind of social activism will go on the rise, and also word of mouth along with viral marketing will show its importance.This is really going to keep a lot of companies on their feet. 10.  Ã‚     Tablets: All youths who are tech-savvy and could afford, the likes of the Apple iPad and the Blackberry Playbook will give rise to the social media marketing. With Hewlett-Packard announcing its own webOS-based PalmPad, we can be sure to expect a decrease in price of the gadgets on the local market and more youth being able to afford and taking up these gadgets. 11.  Ã‚     Wifi hot spots: Wifi hotspots will attract more youth as they strive to stay connected, even when they are out and about. We are therefore going to see more cafes and restaurants catering to this by enabling wifi on their premises. 7 key youth marketing trends to look out for: #1Free is a viable business model: Given the increasingly challenging task of reaching out to young consumers, more brands consider the free route (eg ad supported or cross-selling).Youth indifference may well prove to be a brands most significant cost factor so offering a service for free with the promise of cross-selling related services may well provide the first tentative steps in addressing that challenge. #2 Transparency: Some of the innovative brands, however, are going long on being transparent about their values and mistakes when communicating with youth. Consumers are tired of being both whitewashed and stonewalled. In an era when youth expect access and brands are willing to provide it, the company CEO that appears on YouTube confessing theyd screwed up may lose a few investor friends, but wins the long term hearts and minds of the consumer. #3 Facebook fatigue: Its now all about 30 somethings in the world of Facebook. Youth are already exploring new avenues more relevant to their lifestyle such as Bebo. Do we yet have a student specific SNS?MySpaces partnership with MTV to platform young musical talent from the social network is a PR victory in the face of a Facebook population disillusioned with their parents and corporates hijacking the party. #4 The rise of the moderates: Individually, most students have a moderate and parochial political outlook these days, more concerned with the price of their Bacardi Coke than any ethical questions that may come served with it. But now this swell of moderate opinion has become a determined movement. #5 Inner circle brands: Once young consumers were thought to be naÃÆ' ¯ve and persuadable. Then they were savvy, fickle and cynical to brand messages.Recent research by Opinionpanel discovered a maximum of twenty brands that students were willing to be Facebook But there is also space in the inner circle for maverick brands who dont give a damn for high-level marketing approaches. In #6 Its cool to be a suit: In the eyes of the young, businesspeople were once the least cool people in the world. Now its okay to want to be a suit. #7 Youth turn off the box: The current generation of young consumers is perhaps the first that have had real choice in their media consumption. TV, is increasingly being squeezed out by other distractions. Facebook, MySpace, WII, homework, after-school activities, commuting and just good old hanging out with friends compete with TV for youth attention. And its not just the decreasing time spent watching TV, its the quality of that time. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 25% of high school students were actively involved in another form of media (playstation, computer etc) whilst watching TV. Ways to target Youth using Social Media Make the message fit the venue-advertising usually involves one way communication and marketing involves creating, communicating and delivering. The goal is to get the eyeball and attention and keep it until the sales pitch for a product or a service is received. Social media involves interaction among its users. The message should not be a hard sell; it needs to get people talking. Be familiar with social networks-To understand the taste of youth and their liking it is very important to go to different groups and see what the users are talking about and how they say it. Know what groups are the most popular with youth and learn how they interact. Learn the common terms that are used. Use links to ads to spread advertisement messages-dont fill the posts with hard sell advertisements. Use low key banner ads on the social page and have all links going to the companys main pages that youth are interested in. Join groups-to get some exposure, you will need to join groups or become fans of groups that the target audience are joining. Post and get to know the members. People are more likely to listen about a product or service from someone they feel like they know before they listen to a stranger. For e.g.: If there is a page dedicated to Airtel on facebook and one of the target groups member is a member of the group as well then it becomes easy to understand and know his likings and temperament. Size doesnt matter-it doesnt matter if you are a small business or a large business, you can use social medias to target youth. As being a part of social media doesnt require much investments.Give them something of value, entertaining, and fun. Any size business is capable of that. Post pictures-post fun and entertaining pictures that relate to the product or service. Encourage others on the page to do the same.This kind of activities garner lots of attention thus creating potential fan following. Be active on the social media page-there is usually someone on staff who will be willing to be paid to get on Facebook or other social medial for about a half hour or so daily and keep up on comments. Choose someone who is familiar with how social media works and can speak the same language as the youth audience that is being targeted. CONCLUSION The fitness landscape that determines success in marketing to young consumers is changing. 10 years ago, the TV provided the de facto advertising channel to win the hearts and minds of this often difficult to reach demographic. Since 2007 alone, the rise of social networking, flat rate data plans both on mobile and internet as well as a widespread growth in niche media content means that marketers are now increasingly challenged when it comes to both communicating with and understanding youth. Young peoples relationship with technology is different to what many marketers might assume. Though immersed in tech from an early age, Circuits of Cool found the majority dont even notice technology is there, and only 20 percent can really be classified as tech lovers. They dont use technological jargon such as Web 2.0 and social media, as these terms are primarily used by adults to categorize and define the shifts in trends. They simply use music download and connect with friends to refer to these activities and behaviors.Linear TV is the critical channel for introducing people to new things they werent searching for in the first place. TVs word-of-mouth (WOM) effect is definitely complementary to other new digital platforms: 47 percent of youth surveyed IM each other about what is on TV right now. One can argue that for marketing messages to cut through the clutter, strategies must focus on identifying a need-based behavioral pattern rather than simply incorporating digital technology as panacea.To effectively behavioral target this group, the platform must expand beyond current online domain to become a true transmedia to match a copy-and-paste consumption of mixing on- and offline media.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Interpretation of Robert Brownings My Last Duchess :: essays research papers

I read a critical article on Robert Browning’s â€Å"My Last Duchess†. I confess it was harder to find something in the NCLC’s than I would’ve thought. There was a considerable accumulation of critiques on Browning’s work, but very little on â€Å"My Last Duchess†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The article I found concentrated mostly on the Duke in the poem, and our reactions to him, stating that â€Å"[t]he utter outrageousness of the Duke’s behavior makes condemnation the least interesting response†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The title of the article was â€Å"Sympathy versus Judgment†. Some of its points are that the Duke controls the entire poem, that it being a monologue was significant, and that he is almost easy to sympathize with and like. The article discusses Ferarra’s nature and his self-involvement which allows the goodness of the Duchess to â€Å"shine through the Duke’s utterance.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It goes on to speak about sympathy in general and how Browning â€Å"delighted in making a case for the apparently immoral position†, how he found dramatic monologues the best form to do so, and how he went about it.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It keeps going for a couple more pages on things which I will not go into because they have little relevance to any interpretation of â€Å"My Last Duchess†. The article as it pertained to my poem was fine; I wish I could have found one which went into more depth as opposed to just discussing immoral characters and our empathy for them. I didn’t particularly care for the lawyerly torrent of words that were used, either. I am not ignorant and appreciate the need for words of longer than two syllables when discussing literature (or anything more serious than an episode of â€Å"Friends†, in fact), but I found it more difficult than usual to get through this article. I found it unconscionably wordy and it felt at times as though he was just stringing fancy words together because they looked all important lined up. However, that’s just my opinion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I was gratified to see that this critic agreed with my interpretation of the Duchess’s demise, viz., the Duke had her murdered. The theory advanced by my brilliant and magnificent Professor had been that the Duke gave her so many orders and restrictions that she pined away. I had been looking at his famous line â€Å"And I choose/never to stoop.† He married her for her beauty but would never lower himself to tell her when she angered him.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Ethics In Physical Therapy Essay -- essays research papers fc

Ethics in Physical Therapy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the most rapidly growing occupations in the United States today is Physical Therapy. The United States Department of Labor has projected 23,000 unfilled physical therapist positions in the year 2000 and a lack of qualified physical therapists to fill them ( While Physical Therapy grows rapidly, questions of ethics in this field have also grown in large quantities. Physical therapy is the treatment of disease through physical means, including light, heat, sound waves, electricity, magnetic fields, and exercise ( This means that therapists use many different forms to treat people, and treating people can be a large challenge because of all the different possibilities that could occur with the different treatments. Physical Therapy is a very rewarding and lucrative profession if the problems that come along with the job are dealt with in a capable manner. The main problem with Physical Therapy is the problem of the ethics of the profession. There are many ethical conflicts such as how to charge based on your services, and what types of services to give to each individual patient. To guide physical therapists in their decision making the American Physical Therapy Association came up with a code of ethics for it’s members to set their standards to work by. Their members are required to work by this code and are also required to maintain ethical practices. The first principle in their code is to respect the rights and dignity of all individuals. This includes all patients, employees, and co-workers. The second principle is to comply with all of the laws and regulations governing the practice of physical therapy. Physical therapists learn these laws in school before becoming a therapist. The third principle is that they must accept responsibility for their actions and exercise sound judgment. Every therapist must own up to their mi stakes, and take responsibility for their patients. The fourth principle is that they must maintain and promote high standards for physical therapy practice, education, and research. No therapist should ever compromise his or her beliefs for any reason. The fifth principle is that they must seek remuneration for their services that is deserved and reasonable. This means that they should be paid for the work that they do, but that the pay shoul... ...hysical Therapy. V.77 N.11 (Nov. 1997): p1628. EbscoHost. MasterFILE Elite. A57797069. Owens Lib.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Maryville, MO. 18 Mar. 2000. Grover, James. Physical Therapy. 1999. Brigham Young University: Physical Therapy Department. 18 Mar. 2000. â€Å"How to Fix Therapy Services?† McKnight’s Long Term Care News. V.20 N.14   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (Oct. 6, 1999): p.59 Owens Lib. Maryville, MO. 18 Mar. 2000.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Physical Therapy: Making a Difference. American Physical Therapy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Association. 18 Mar. 2000.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Options for Financing the Purchase of a Website :: Sell Websites Buy Websites

Options for Financing the Purchase of a Website Reprinted with permission of Financing a website purchase, or getting cash for a down payment can take many forms. Hopefully the options listed below will give you some ideas where you can find the money to buy a website! Credit Cards - many buyers these days are tapping their credit cards for their down payment to buy a website. The downside of this option is that if you are getting an SBA loan to buy a website, they won’t let you use â€Å"a credit card/loan – borrowed money† for the down payment. Other than that this option works for many since there is no waiting for the money or cumbersome approval process. SBA Loans – Many websites today are purchased with 7(a) SBA loans. There are conditions however in getting one to buy a website. You still have to put down between 15%-30% depending on the lender, you must have good or excellent credit, and the website has to have sufficient cash flow to support the debt service of the loan. The loans are typically 10 years in duration and 2-3 points above the prime interest rate. The process of getting an SBA loan to buy a website can be a tedious one and can take one month to six months to complete/fund. Home Equity – With home equity growing rapidly, many buyers utilize these funds to either buy a website or utilize it for a down payment. Lenders are eager to give out home equity loans. Loans can usually be secured rather rapidly, but plan ahead and move quickly so you don’t miss out on any great websites that come out on the market for sale. Owner Financing – This form of financing is only applicable we=hen you have a willing website owner. Usually the buyer will put down 40 to 60% (utilizing one of the methods above), and the owner will carry back a note for a duration of usually two to five years. Interest rates vary but they usually will be higher than banks or commercial resources. Sometime there will be â€Å"combo† financing with the owner taking back a partial note and the rest of the financing will come from the above resources. Retirement Plans – Many buyers have built up sizeable amounts in their work 401(k) plans. There is a way to tap this money tax free – put it into a â€Å"special trust† that then buys the website for you.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Role of Government in Policy Making

While reading Chapter 2 on The Role of Government in Policy Making, I noticed that in the text it stated that â€Å"all fields of practice are affected by the social and organizational policy made by judicial decisions. † (Donald E. Chambers and Kenneth R. Wedel. Published by Allyn and Bacon pg. 35). The YWCA provides women and children with several different services. It is vital that the organization is careful of what they are doing with their clients and observe the policies for these social programs.The judicial branch of the government has a lot of power over these social programs and can completely discontinue the program under certain circumstances. This is done in order to keep the organization consistent with court orders. â€Å"The judicial branch restricts or expands the power of government administrators and officials so that they are consistent with past court decisions, with governmental principles, and (sometimes) with the fundamental constitutional rights of citizens. † (Donald E. Chambers and Kenneth R. Wedel. Published by Allyn and Bacon).The laws that are put in place for this organization or organizations similar to the YWCA can influence the decision making and its day to day operations by a simple change in law. A change in law could mean that the requirements have been altered or changed and in order to service their clients properly, there are guidelines that need to be met. â€Å"The judiciary both creates anew and reshapes old social policy. (Donald E. Chambers and Kenneth R. Wedel. Published by Allyn and Bacon). I found that the YWCA has to only engage in activities related to its mission or purpose.â€Å"The Association may not engage in any activities that do not further the Mission or its purposes as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation and these Bylaws. † (http://www. cortlandywca. org/pdf/ywcabylaws07. pdf) Some of the laws read were very particular about the dos and don’ts of the organization. The information read shows that these laws put in place definitely influences the organizations decision making day-to-day operations. These changes that the judicial branch make keeps the organization on their toes in making sure they follow guidelines.The role that the court system or law played in shaping policies that affect the YWCA is pivotal. The courts are very involved in the evaluative process. â€Å"The public policy values the court is free to evaluate are related to but independent from the political values which motivated the existence or absence of a statute†. The court system benefits the YWCA tremendously considering they provide shelter and protection from abuse. â€Å"Each year the YWCA helps hundreds of individuals obtain protection from abuse orders, and provides victim support in criminal and civil court cases.The YWCA court advocate provides assistance to victims who are involved in the district court system. † (http://www. ywcaofwichita. org/pr ogram-court-advocacy. htm). Knowing that the court system can not only have a negative impact on the organization but also help women who are in an abusive situation, and get away from whatever the problem is, no matter what her financial situation may be. â€Å"Courts can shape and frame social policy in regard to administrative rulings as well as legislation. † (Donald E. Chambers and Kenneth R. Wedel.  Published by Allyn and Bacon).Reading this passage has help me to realize how the judicial system really affects non-profit organizations or organizations in general. Any organization that meets the guidelines of the judicial system are affected by its policies. Keeping organizations consistent with the court orders ensures the organization effective execution when dealing with clients. Whenever a judicial decision has been made it is important for that organization to be well informed so that there is no discontinuation of the program.Although the legislative and executiv e branches are elected by the people, the judicial branch is a presidential pick. It is very important to stick with the policies, and procedures and be prepared for any changes that may arise. Having a preview of how the organization and the government works when it comes to a particular situation helps to help me better prepare for future endeavors. These laws and judicial decisions affect organizations all around the world, it can be a benefit to all, if everyone is well informed on what is going on and what is to come.

Friday, August 16, 2019

How To Develop A Good Personality

Having a good personality is an important skill in life. It is not an easy feat to achieve but with these simple yet crucial steps, a good, well-meaning personality can be achieved by anyone. Take care of your appearance. ;Manner of dressing ;Use of make-up and hairdo ;Language used ;poise 2 Think positive thoughts, both about yourself and others in general. The thoughts that we think soon turn into the words we say and the actions we take. Having good thoughts about yourself gives you self-confidence and self-respect, essential in any good person.Never lose a chance to prove yourself. In our day to day life we came across several opportunities which could help our self in defining our personality. For example if you are in a conversation with a group or a individual you must talk in a way thou can prove others what you are really†¦. And it does not matter if you say a line or a speech. The thing which will matter is the words of yours. Whether they were able to leave an impact on others or not. 4 Look for famous people whose personality defined them. Athletes, artists, actors and musicians are people who ace challenges in their careers everyday.They have to have patience and perseverance in order to succeed. Many of them are humble in spite of their success and fame. These are life skills which is learned culminate in the creation of a good personality. 5 Look deep inside yourself and think about who you are. Many people find themselves to be better by reflection. 6 Help wherever and whenever you can. A little sacrifice can go along way in changing another person's day. 7 Always be yourself. If you are following some famous personality, make sure that you never lose yourself.It means that you have to stick to that behavior every time. Feel it in your blood. 8 Learn to love other people. Many bad personalities come about because people do not want to forgive each other and thus become filled with so much interpersonal hate that they hate other people. This makes them come off as bad and self-centered when all they lack is the insight to forgive and forget whatever may be the root of conflict between them.

Classical Music and Jazz Music Essay

Music has always been an important element for the humanity. Exist many different kinds of music. For purpose of this paper I’m going to compare classical music with jazz music. This two types of music belong to the category of complex art music. A comparison of classical and jazz music yield some similarities and different and could also lead to an appreciation of this two important category of music. The music called classical, was found in stores and performed regularly by symphonies around the world, in the time of 1600 up to the present. Unlike jazz was found in the early 1900 as some dance band leaders in the southern U.S. began playing this type of music that combined ragtime and blues. Most of the major composer of the classical music until the 20th century were Europeans and the jazz was exposed first by two musicians. Both type of music were know on different parts of Europe. In classical music, both large orchestras and small ensemble are used. The largest part of the orchestra consist of the string section consisting of violins, violas, cellos, string basses and wind instruments. On the other hand jazz music can be played by small group of people. In jazz they use different instruments like clarinet, tuba, cornet, baritone, drums and piano. Similarly to classical music, jazz used some wind instruments. In addition we have a different of audience of this two kind of music. The jazz music attracts an really cultural and hip audience. This is because jazz concerts usually are in opens spaces around the world and in night clubs and you don’t need to pay a ticket to go and appreciate the music. Unlike classical music attracts more elite and rich people. This is because the concerts of classical music are on different amphitheaters and closed spaces and you need to pay for a expensive ticket. To conclude, we can say that this to types of music have their unique style, but both of them represents two approaches to Art Music. This two types of music are important and carry a great and special history. Also this to type of music, allow people to relax while hearing this music. If I need to pick between this two types of music, I prefer the jazz music because is more accessibly for us and it’s transmit more emotions.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Food Wastage Essay

1. It is hard to produce food. a) Food takes time to grow and mature. Besides this, there are a lot of factors that contribute towards the production of food. i. Temperature and rainfall are critical elements determining when and how often crops can be sown. While some Asian countries are able to harvest three times in a single year, food production nearly halts during dry seasons in many tropical zones and during winter cold in temperate areas. (DeRose, Messer & Millman, 1998) b) It cost a lot to maintain a good production of food. i. Investments in agricultural intensification, including higher-yield-potential seeds, fertilizers, water management and chemicals for pest control, are costly and make it unlikely that they will be easily or widely available for use by poorer farmers and countries. (DeRose, Messer & Millman, 1998) c) We are starting to lack food production area to support civilizations. i. South Korea’s Daewoo Logistics announced last month that it has signed a 99-year lease on 3. 2 million acres of land in Madagascar, which it will use to produce corn and palm oil for shipment home. (Goering, 2008) ii. The rush to buy or enter long-term leases on land has been fueled in part by the low levels of world grain stocks, despite record harvests this year, and by a growing sense that world markets cannot be trusted to supply adequate grain. (Goering, 2008) 2. People are wasting a lot of food. d) In different occasions, people waste food. i. A significant proportion of food waste is produced by the domestic household, which, in 2007, created 6,700,000 tonnes of food waste. Potatoes, bread slices and apples are respectively the most wasted foods by quantity, while salads are thrown away in the greatest proportion. e) Food products from restaurants and shops are seldom kept when they are not sold after the day. Those foods were thrown away. i. Grocery stores discard products because of spoilage or minor cosmetic blemishes. Restaurants throw away what they don’t use. (Martin, 2008) ii. Supermarkets particularly have been criticized for wasting items which are damaged or unsold (surplus food), but that often remain edible. (Yorkshire & Lincolnshire,2005) f) According to statistic, people waste more food than they eat. i. Americans generate roughly 30 million tons of food waste each year, which is about 12 percent of the total waste stream. ( Trum, 1998) 3. Food wastage causes a lot of problems. g) It affects the environment by increasing waste, and pollutes the area. i. The rotting food that ends up in landfills produces methane, a major source of greenhouse gases. h) Wasting the food we have indirectly causes starvation to other people. It is because the amount of food we waste can actually feed upon many poor people. i. Each year, Americans discard more than 96 billion pounds of good food. If 5% was recovered, it could provide the equivalent of a day’s food for four million hungry people; 10%, eight million; and 25%, 20 million. (Trum, 1998) i) Wasting food also wasted our money. It costs us money to produce food and treat the food waste. i. 1 ton of rice requires a world average of 3419 m3 per ton of water. Imagine the amount of food we wasted. The amount of water wasted is even larger, and we are now low on clean potable water. Call to actions: 1. Registration of World Fund Program (WFP) to favor organizations in providing aids to people who are unable to produce enough food to support them. 2. Audiences should sign an indemnity letter on following the 5 steps towards reduce food waste: plan meal, make detail shopping list and stick to it, serve reasonable size portion food, save leftovers and eat those leftovers.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Unit Paper

There isn't an American citizen in the world ho doesn't know of the painstaking terror that swept through the country as we witnessed the scene via the myriad of media coverage on every channel. Watching these news sources and seeing the aftermath, and watching the government response as they tried to figure out why it happened was actually detrimental to the healing process of the country. Hearing the scientists discuss how the towers fell, and listening as the government talked about how these terrorists gained access to the planes Just worked to spread more fear into the minds of the American citizens.Had the media Just gone dark, had the government Just said, â€Å"k, this happened, we need time to clean this up and discuss options, trust us,† Then the country may have been able to relax a little more. American citizen's now have some level of post- traumatic stress simply from being exposed to what was going on in real time. I will never forget the video of the people Jum ping from the buildings before their collapse, or the ash falling like snowflakes, covering everything around the city. I'll never forget the clouds of thick black smoke, and the exact moment that the towers finally elapsed.And I'll never forget the days after, and the images of the towers missing from that NYC skyline. And yet, Vive never even been to New York. The media showed every horrifying angle as things progressed, making it as though we were all standing on the roadway, gazing up at the horrors as they occurred. The news provided every view point and every option, even though 95% of them were speculative and so far from the truth. The terrorists' goal was to make the US fearful of them in order to make their point, and while they did a decent Job of that, the media Just added icing o the cake.For months afterwards, people were too afraid to fly; people were too fearful to use public transportation. This fear was Just perpetuated by the media's involvement. On the opposing e nd of the spectrum, the media can sometimes have a positive effect in minimizing the effectiveness of the terrorist attack. While flying into Boston in April of last year, I was amazed to hear the news of the city being in Lockwood. Sitting outside of Logan airport, the lack of people was eerie, and I pulled up the news on my phone to follow what was going on.The city was in Lockwood and police were requesting that people stay in their homes and off the roads to make it easier to search for the bombing suspect; a nice way of suggesting that Marshall Law was being imposed, but not exactly. The good thing about the media being involved in this was that people quickly heard that they should stay inside, which cleared the roads and made it possible for the police and government to really focus and search for Tsarina's. Would they have found him if they hadn't put the city on Lockwood?Probably, but you can't be certain, ND it was more effective to do so to ensure that he was located as q uickly as possible. Social networking is almost as bad as the media. Daily, there are posts about a child with cancer or a family whose home burned down that are asking people to like the photo. This is all misinformation and useless. Not to mention the things people post about terrorists or even the government, where you can tell that they have heard one thing and assumed the rest. That being said, social networking has a knack for escalating facts really quickly until they are more lie than truth.It's important to be informed, but when you're getting your facts from a post that's majority misinformation, it Just snowballs and leads to a bunch of confusion and panic. That's not always the case, however. Sometimes, social networking can be a fantastic tool when it comes to terrorist activity. The ability to share posts on Backbone, for example, can be an excellent tool if the police are searching for a particular suspect. A picture or description can be released, and people can spre ad it to millions of others in mere minutes.Not Just relating to terrorism, but crime in mineral, this is incredible and has been known to assist with finding many people, suspects and victims. While the media can be a useful aspect when it comes to terrorist activity, it is generally more of a hassle than an aiding tool. It's our civil right to be kept informed on the events in our country, but in times of an attack, our government should focus on responding before they should worry about letting us bystanders know what happened. A terrorist attack is performed with the objective of instilling fear in the targeted audience, and when facts are misconstrued, this is Just perpetuated.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Counter terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Counter terrorism - Essay Example In the fast changing social paradigms of uncertainties, the preparedness of the various disaster management imperatives needs to be well defined. The Department of Homeland Security is the central agency that provides effective management resource within federal, state and local governments on security issues. Its primary responsibility as a security authority is to anticipate, preempt, detect and deter threats to the homeland and its people from terrorist attacks, natural disasters or any other emergency. Its goal is to coordinate different agencies and programs into a single agency for fast and efficient response to the crisis. Larry Ness states, ‘the Department of Homeland Security is still consolidating most of the more than 40 federal entities’ (Ness, 2006, p. 49). Its security responsibilities are varied and related to the governmental jurisdictions at federal, state, and local level and acts as a complementary system that connects all levels of government.The DHS primarily carries out its goals and objectives through five major agencies that coordinate and form linkages with various other state and federal agencies to protect the tangible and non tangible properties of its citizens. The agencies are as follows:It is an independent agency reporting to the President and tasked with responding to, planning for, recovering from and mitigating against disaster. Its role has become all the more important after 9/11 and works with a vision of ‘A Nation Prepared’. The National Urban Search and Rescue Response System

Monday, August 12, 2019

Strategic Partnering within the UK Construction Industry Dissertation

Strategic Partnering within the UK Construction Industry - Dissertation Example i Acknowledgements Firstly I would like to thank my mother, Madonna Barr, who through everything has always provided me with encouragement, love and support. Secondly I would like to thank my family. Firstly my partner Michael Mc Grotty, whose continuous support has made me realize my potential and with that the person I am. Secondly my two darling kids, Dylan and Caitlin, for putting up with me being tired after many late nights working on this. Thirdly I would like to thank, Chris Ajala and Simon Weir for taking the time to answer my questionnaires and meet up with me, on many occasions, to discuss partnering. Last but certainly not least, i would like to thank The School Of The Built Environmant, at Leeds Metropolitan University for their never ending encouragement and support, namely Dr Dave Roberts, Ellen Glover, Chris Gorse and Dave Pearse. ii Declaration I, Aisling Barr, declare that this work is my own and has been adequately referenced in accordance with the Harvard Referencing System. Signed. .......................................................... iii Contents Page Abstract i Acknowledgement ii Declaration iii List of Figures iv SECTION 1 Chapter 1 Introduction 9-13 Chapter II Executive summary 14-15 SECTION II INSIGHT INTO THE CONTRUCTION INDUSTRY PARNERSHIPS Chapter I The Partnerships The partnerships: the concept 18 Disadvantages 20 High performance production systems 20 Partnering and the production in the construction industry 21 The concept of partnering 22 Defining partnerships in construction 22 Management 22 Behavioral patterns 23 Factors for the... The concept of partnering, according to Broome (2002) was first generalized as being developed in the construction industry in Japan in the 1980's, and with that the application of total quality management and lean manufacturing concepts, where taken from manufacturing industries there. Furthermore Broome (2002) states, â€Å"The motivation for partnering and its popularization came from the USA†. Winch (2002) says that partnering in the UK came about due to the failure of traditional procurement methods ability to meet with client demands and with that the achievement of project objectives. Sir Michael Latham's report, (Constructing the Team, 1994) commissioned by the government and industry, recognized the need for a solution to the on-going problems within the construction industry. It explained the aspects of partnering and suggested that it would bring significant benefits to all parties. As partnering is not specific to the construction industry, there are many definitions. According to Telford (2002), partnering has been explained as: â€Å"A relationship between purchasers and providers of goods and services throughout the supply chain. The relationship is designed to achieve specific business objectives by maximizing the effectiveness of each participant’s resource. The relationship is based on mutual objectives, an agreed method of problem resolution and an active search for continuous measurable improvements.† A Partnering definition from the Construction Industry Institute, 1989 states:

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Mgt dq 2 wk2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Mgt dq 2 wk2 - Essay Example Strategic management is a broader concept that includes strategic planning as a component of a company-wide analysis of top level managerial procedures. Other activities that are included as a component of strategic management include the development of policies, allocation of resources, and evaluations of performance related to initially specified goals. Analyses are a key feature of strategic management, as is the inclusion of tactics, finances, and objectives in the formation of a complex but thorough managerial method. Some of the prominent advantages associated with strategic management are the development of market foresight, quick reactions to unexpected problems, fostering dedication within the company, and the early identification of opportunities for improvement (Leiponen & Helfat, 2010). The type of businesses that would benefit the most from strategic management are those which are relatively stable over long periods of time. The method produces strategies that are meant to be long-term in scope, but rapidly changing markets and/or operation restrictions could make this goal virtually impossible (Wall, 2010) using traditional strategic management methods alone. However, strategic management is highly valuable where chaos is less of a concern, as it may be the best option to optimize the use of available